Mission: Menopause
Our workforce is the greatest asset for supporting the 1.5 million people calling South Yorkshire home. ICS strategies highlight our vision of supporting staff wellbeing as a lever for retention, diversity and improved care. Our health and care organisations now collectively invest £2+ million annually in workforce engagement and wellbeing. We focus on prevention, leadership and crisis support to drive inclusion, wellbeing and learning culture. One of our most impactful initiatives is the ICS-wide ‘Mission: Menopause’
Within South Yorkshire ICS we have 72,000 members of staff with almost half (34,000) being women between the ages of 40 and 60. Menopause is when menstrual periods stop. It is natural but drenched in stigma. Employers never mentioned it in policies, staff reviews, wellbeing conversations or workforce planning.
We needed to tackle this urgently because 46% of South Yorkshire’s health and care workforce are women around menopause age (34,000 of 72,000 staff); nationally, research suggests that 1 in 4 women reduce their hours or leave work due to menopause. In South Yorkshire, this equates to losing around 10,000 staff within five years, or 1 in 7 staff. So, it was essential that we raised awareness of the menopause and supported those affected by it as failure to do so would have a detrimental impact upon our workforce and the health and social care landscape across the area.
Menopause directly impacts on patient care. Three quarters of women suffer menopause symptoms which could affect their ability to provide the best quality care to patients. Almost everyone will be affected, either directly or through relationships at home or work. We recognise that the menopause is not just a 'women's issue'. Almost everybody will be affected by it, either directly or by knowing partners, family, friends or work colleagues experiencing the menopause. It was therefore vital that our organisations across South Yorkshire worked together in an inclusive way to become menopause friendly employers to allow for a sustainable culture change to take place.
Do you work in Health and Social Care organisation in South Yorkshire? If so, are you interested in being part of South Yorkshire ICS Mission: Menopause? Together we can create Menopause Friendly workplaces across South Yorkshire. Come and join our Menopause community of practice. We have free bespoke training courses for anyone working in health and social care in South Yorkshire. If this is something you or someone in your organisation would be interested in, please email us on syicb-sheffield.hwb@nhs.net