We have worked closely with EDI Leads in NHS Trusts to agree on a system-wide approach to EDS2022 reporting to ensure we meet the requirements of the Public Sector Equality Duty across South Yorkshire.

South Yorkshire ICS Transition to NHS Equality Delivery System 2022 (EDS22)

NHS organisations within South Yorkshire Integrated Care System are committed to equality, diversity, and inclusion.

The Equality Delivery System (EDS) is an improvement toolkit designed by the Department of Health to help NHS organisations to improve the services they provide for their local communities, consider health inequalities in their local area, and provide better working environments that are free of discrimination, as set out in the Equality Act 2010. This improvement work must include involvement and partnership working with local partners and local communities. The EDS helps NHS organisations meet their Public Sector Equality Duty.

This is an improvement tool for people who use services, staff, and leaders of the NHS. It supports NHS organisations - in active conversations with patients, the public, staff, staff networks, community groups and trade unions - to review and develop their approach to addressing health inequalities through three domains: Services, Workforce and Leadership. It is driven by data, evidence, engagement, and insight.

Since its launch in 2011, the NHS Equality Delivery System 2 has been used across the NHS in South Yorkshire within the NHS to:

  • Assess our performance in addressing our Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) priorities.
  • Provide opportunities for stakeholders to analyse our performance data and input into that assessment.
  • Assist with identifying our EDI priorities for the future.
  • Provide opportunities to work in partnership to deliver and assess those priorities consistently.

In 2022 NHS England launched a new Equality Delivery System 22 framework following a review of the EDS2. The new EDS 2022 is designed for use across a system with the aim of bringing together Integrated Care Boards and NHS trusts.

The NHS in South Yorkshire welcomes this approach as it supports our aims for greater collaboration and integration, it also recognises that our patients are our population, and this provides the opportunity to review services beyond individual organisational boundaries.

We remain committed to using the EDS improvement tool to support consistent assessment and involvement of all our communities in our EDI work.

Within the South Yorkshire Integrated Care System, we are transitioning from EDS2 to EDS 2022.  All organisations are using now using EDS 2022.  Some of our NHS trusts have come together as peers to develop their scoring in the domains and this has been a very valuable exercise. 

We agreed that for EDS22 partners will work together to:

  • Share and compare data and information.
  • Engage and involve stakeholders in EDS22 processes together.
  • Peer review our assessment processes and outcomes to promote consistency of approach and score.
  • Share and co-create the materials needed to implement the EDS22 to ensure the effective use of our resources.