How to make a freedom of information (FOI) request

What is the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act?

The Freedom of Information Act (FOI) 2000 gives individuals the right to have information about public authorities and how they make decisions. 

What is the Data Protection Act (DPA)?

The Data Protection Act (DPA), first initiated in 1998, and then updated in 2018, provides individuals with the rights to request access to information about themselves - and to be provided with copies of information held by organisations, businesses or the government.

The DPA 2018 is the UK’s implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 need to be made in writing.

Applicants should include their name and an address for correspondence, which includes an email address.

While we cannot specify a format of application, we have found that it is a more efficient way to process requests and supply information electronically.

Requests should be as specific as possible to enable us to process your request.

It can be useful to include a telephone number in case we need to contact you but this is not a requirement.

You can email your request to:

In your email or written correspondence, please make it clear that your request refers directly to the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System

Please address these as follows:

Corporate Services Officer (Freedom of Information)
South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw ICS c/o NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group
722 Prince of Wales Road
S9 4EU

We endeavour to ensure that FOI requests are managed in accordance with the two main obligations and aim to respond within 20 working days.