Our work to improve the inclusivity and diversity of our organisations draws on key NHS England documents, including; the NHS People Plan (2020) and the NHS People Promise, the core of which is illustrated below.
HS England and NHS Improvement’s (NHSE/I) Workforce Race Equality Standards (WRES), also provides key information to understand our organisations, to ensure we are serving our colleagues equitably.
With the introduction of NHS England’s EDI Improvement Plan in June 2023, we are now also aligning our work to the 6 identified High Impact Actions:
Success metric
1a. Annual Chair/CEO appraisals on EDI objectives via Board
Assurance Framework (BAF).
Success metric
2a. Relative likelihood of staff being appointed from shortlisting across all posts
2b. NSS Q on access to career progression and training and development opportunities.
2c. Improvement in race and disability representation leading to parity
2d. Improvement in representation of senior leadership
(Band 8C upwards) leading to parity
2e. Diversity in shortlisted candidates
2f. NETS Combined Indicator Score metric on quality of training.
Success metric
3a. Improvement in gender, race, and disability pay gap
Success metric
4a. NSS Q on organisation action on health and
wellbeing concerns
4b. National Education & Training Survey (NETS) Combined
Indicator Score metric on quality of training
4c. To be developed in Year 2
Success metric
5a. NSS Q on belonging for IR staff.
5b. NSS Q on bullying, harassment from team/line
manager for IR staff.
5c. NETS Combined Indicator Score metric on quality
of training IR staff.
Success metric
6a. Improvement in staff survey results on bullying /
harassment from line managers/teams (ALL Staff)
6b. Improvement in staff survey results on discrimination from
line managers/teams (ALL Staff)
6c. NETS Bullying & Harassment score metric
(NHS professional groups)