Tackling health inequalities
Our health is determined by a complex combination of genetics, behaviour, the health care that we receive and the physical, social and economic environment that we live in.
All partners across SYB are continually making improvements to the health of people across South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw. Their work to support the diagnosis and treatment of serious health conditions continues to benefit large numbers of individuals, families and organisations.
However, we know that we have a number of health issues that are not as good as they should be when comparing ourselves to similar regions and the national average. We also know that people’s health varies a lot within South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw.
We will continue to work on improvements in health and care services across the region. But many of the issues and illnesses leading to poor health and wellbeing can be prevented. If we are to improve health and reduce health inequalities in South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw we need to broaden our approach.
Rather than focusing on just when someone is unwell, we will take a population health approach - working with our wider partners and local communities - to improve physical and mental health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities across the entire population of South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw.

Illustration above showing difference between equality and equity in terms of health inequalities
Our ambition is to help people early on and prevent future problems developing. To do this we will take a three-pronged approach, underpinned by strengthened partnerships and leadership in each of the Places in South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw.
As partners in our five Health and Well Being Boards and Sheffield City Region and we will support and advocate for public policies and strategies that improve the social determinants of health.
As anchor institutions we will maximise the impact that we can have on the wider social determinants of health in the way we run our organisations and support our staff.
We will be active partners in Sheffield City Region's [LW1] Inclusive Growth Plans which aims to level-up the opportunities for people in training and access to green schemes (such as green/blue spaces and outdoor sports).
Recognising that most change happens in local communities we will continue to develop local neighbourhood partnerships and local community assets, helping people to support each other and take control of their health.
Health services
We will continue to improve access and quality of health services, addressing unwarranted variations in care and focusing on what matters most to the person. The NHS will increasingly recognise prevention as a core responsibility of staff and services.
Health and care partners in South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw, will join forces on projects and services where it is right – and makes sense - to do so.
Alongside this, we will build even stronger connections with Local Authorities, Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise (VCSE) partners and other partners outside of the NHS at neighbourhood, place and system level. This will strengthen our opportunities to work together to decrease heath inequalities.
Our ambition is for everyone in South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw to have the best possible start in life, with support to be healthy and live well, for longer.