
Local NHS leaders are supporting partners across South Yorkshire at an event this month where employers across numerous sectors will come together to understand how employing people with learning disabilities and autism could be the solution to recruitment issues.

Doncaster Clinical Commissioning Group is helping to promote #EmploymentIsForEveryone, a project hoping to create a social movement across South Yorkshire to lead the way on sharing the message that everyone needs a chance to be employed.

One of the organisations involved in the launch event at Gulliver’s Valley in Rotherham on 14 June is Speakup, a national self, group and peer advocacy organisation.

Speakup works with Choice for All Doncaster (CHAD) and many others across South Yorkshire, who are passionate about friendships, supporting people to be less isolated and creating employment opportunities for people with learning disabilities.

Jodie Bradley, a salaried worker at Speakup with a mild learning disability and autism herself said: ‘“We cannot wait to launch Employment is for Everyone at Gulliver’s Valley and welcome everyone with an interest in our work.”

Speakup also works with Dexx Life Skills in Rotherham, EdLounge near Sheffield and Art Works in Sheffield and Rotherham.

Businesses are encouraged to attend to find out how they can overcome some recruitment issues, encourage diversity in the workplace, support and be part of the community and access the benefits of the Employment is for Everyone project

further information is available here https://www.employmentisforeveryone.org.uk/

If you are interested in attending the event please book HERE – https://bit.ly/3KRrOBc Employment is for Everyone, Tuesday 14 June, 9.30am to 1pm, Gulliver’s Valley Theme Park, Mansfield Road, S26 5QW

If you have any questions or would like more information about the event please contact: James@employmentisforeveryone.org.uk or kylie@employmentisforeveryone.org.uk