Menopause Conference Details
On the 2 March 2023 we held our Menopause Conference aimed at Senior leaders and line managers working in Health and social care across South Yorkshire. Hosted at the Crowne Plaza Royal Victoria Hotel in Sheffield by NHS South Yorkshire ICB, the day included national and local speakers highlighting what the menopause is, the importance of developing a menopause policy, how to become a menopause friendly employer, reflections on lived experience from NHS England menopause network and what does this mean for ICBs?, Compassion and the Menopause, Menopause and legal protection, Supporting the Health and Wellbeing of our NHS people and what menopause support is available in South Yorkshire for our workforce.
Speakers included:
- Brigitte Kaviani, Head of Health and Wellbeing, NHS South Yorkshire ICB
- Christine Joy, Chief People Officer, NHS South Yorkshire ICB
- Dr Marion Sloan, General Practitioner and menopause advocate
- Jacqui McBurnie, Chair of NHS England and Improvement Menopause group
- Deborah Garlick, CEO of Henpicked: Menopause in the Workplace
- Emma Avhede, Managing Director of HÄLSA Wellbeing and Charlotte Underwood, Operations Director at HÄLSA Wellbeing
- Timothy Newson, Retention Lead, NHS South Yorkshire ICB
- Dr Lindsey Thomas, General Practitioner and Menopause specialist
- Karen Pryor, Workforce Lead for Facilities and Menopause Advocate, Sheffield Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Facilities Directorate and Sharon Over, Head of Domestic Services
- Tracy Paxton, Managing Director of The Employee resilience Company, Limited
- Claire Parker, Senior programme lead (Health and Wellbeing) - NHS England
Through this conference and our menopause programme, South Yorkshire ICS are aiming to create a menopause friendly culture, retain valuable skills and talent in our our workforce, improve the health and wellbeing of our teams, reduce employee turnover and reduce menopause-related sickness absence.

We were pleased to be joined by Laura Evans from Nifty Fox Creative who live scribed the event. You can view the event drawings here South Yorkshire Menopause Conference by Nifty Fox Creative (pixieset.com)
We were also joined by BBC Look North who filmed a segment for the evening news. You can watch this here with coverage beginnig at 13:40 BBC iPlayer - Look North (Yorkshire) - Evening News: 02/03/2023.