The Innovation Hub is a new and pioneering partnership between the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw ICS and the Yorkshire & Humber Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) that aims to identify and address unmet clinical and non-clinical needs across the SYB ICS, inclusive of all specialities, disciplines and health areas.
What we do
Created in 2019, the Innovation Hub plays a pivotal role in supporting new ways of working and identifying common challenges across South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw. By working intimately with Yorkshire & Humber AHSN as a core partner, the Hub has a key focus on the identification of solutions to meet specified areas of unmet needs. A significant part of the Hub’s role is also to signpost and connect multiple areas of the system to ensure that research, evaluation and technology development opportunities are signposted to interested experts from across the system.
Inclusive of all specialties and areas of interest, including clinical and non-clinical, the work of the Hub is driven by system-wide need and the strategic priorities of SYB ICS.
Visit the SYB Innovation Hub web portal
Please follow the link below to the Innovation Hub portal. Here you can access full information about the work of the hub, as well as submit challenges and case studies from across South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw.