To support our staff to work flexibly and so our services can be as responsive and up to date as possible, we need to develop shared digital and IT systems. With developments in technology ever-changing, there are also now more options for patients to track and monitor their health at home than ever before.
We have an ambitious vision for digital technology which is based on a number of pieces of work that are already ongoing.
For example, at the end of 2016 all local places developed and published Local Digital Roadmaps and our nationally recognised Test Bed programme has also provided significant opportunity for us to think about how we might develop local services better for the benefit of patients across our region, using technology and innovation across healthcare services in order to enable more responsive, safer and more cost effective services.
Our vision is to develop a fully integrated digital service across South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw, making more effective use of the technical expertise we already have across the region and allowing our digital abilities to develop in line with the advances in technology we're seeing all over the world.
We think this will help drive investment into the region, generate new jobs and increase the support available to staff, clinicians and patients.
We want to:
- Enable citizens and patients access to their health care records and data, empowering them to take ownership and a leading role in their own health and ongoing care.
- Support clinical and strategic decision making through technology, so that any health and social care organisation providing care to our citizens has access to relevant and up-to-date information.
- Improve system wide IT services to increase safety, patient experience and reduce duplication and waste.
- Transform the way in which we engage with patients and citizens, supporting them to maintain their own health and wellbeing through digital solutions.
- Enable clinicians to provide the best care in all settings, particularly via the use of mobile technology.
- Ensure patient information is kept safe and secure
- Invest in the infrastructure and technologies needed to enable change and improvements to services and ways of working.
- Support and empower our staff, patients and citizens so they can maximise the potential of new technologies as they become available to them.