Faculty For Advanced Clinical Practice 

The South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Faculty of Advanced Clinical Practice was formed in 2015 and is helping to bring about a coordinated and consistent approach to developing the clinical workforce.

The Faculty specifically focuses on the training and on-going professional development of Nurses, Pharmacists, Allied Health Professionals and others currently working in the NHS. The Faculty does this by offering them the opportunity to become Advanced Clinical Practitioners which means they work at a level which involves a greater degree complex decision making and is helping to provide a high-level workforce covering the South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw region.

The Faculty is also responsible for developing other emerging advanced clinical groups and introducing other such roles to the NHS as Physician Associates alleviating pressures created by the shortage of trained doctors coming into the NHS.

For further information visit Health Education England’s Centre for Advancing Practice.

The application process is open for organisations within South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw to apply for HEE support to train advanced clinical practitioners. The application form can be found here.

Further details can be found in the Supporting Advanced Clinical Practitioner Training SYB 2022/2023 document and Study Leave Guidance.

Key points to note:

  • The Supporting Advanced Clinical Practitioner Training SYB 2022/2023 document contains details about the funding offer from HEE, employers’ responsibilities/commitments and how to apply. If after reading these you still have questions, please email the team.
  • The deadline to apply is 11 March 2022.
  • We will notify organisations of the outcome of their application week commencing 6 April 2022.  
  • Each organisation applying must nominate a single contact to lead on the ACP process and act as a key liaison for all enquiries relating to ACPs. All applications must be approved and submitted by the same lead contact.
  • You will be required to submit a job description and person spec for your trainee ACP(s) upon applying, to ensure your application is considered.

The ACP conference, which was rescheduled to take place on 3 November 2020, has been deferred now until Autumn 2021 – this decision has been taken as a result of the ongoing pandemic and government guidance - further details will be posted here in due course.

Guidance for Advanced Clinical Practitioners around PEP click here

Guidance for Advanced Clinical Practitioners (ACP) Education Training & Continuous Professional Development (CPD) click here 

Advanced Clinical Practice (ACP) Supervisor’s Guidance has been written by Mr Alex Kocheta and provides a wealth of information for supervisors of ACPs as well as for trainees themselves about the ACP training pathway.  To view the Supervisor's Guidance click here.

Regional Community of Practice: All trainee ACPs as well as those who have completed training have the opportunity to join and contribute to the Community of Practice. This is an exciting, interactive community of experienced indviduals from wide ranging clinical backgrounds, representing the grass roots provision of health care delivery. The Community of Practice meets quarterly and recieves clinical updates, as well as the opportunity to attend study events. Access is through a dedicated Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/573830642806529/

The Facebook group is a closed group, so you will beed to 'request to join' from Facebook, or email Suzanne Owens (suzanne.owens@nhs.net), who chairs the group. 

Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP) Progression and Clinical Academic Support Panel (CASP) pathway: this document describes the CASP process and includes a number of documents to help guide supervisiors and trainees through this process. CASP Guide January 2020 The Faculty has recently revamped its CASP Checklist, which you should complete during your meeting with your supervisor and/or ACP lead. This is avilable to download here CASP checklist final 2020

Best Practice Guidelines - Minimum standards for supervising trainee Advanced Clinical Practitioners and Physician Associates (PAs) in South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw: this document can be dowloaded here Best Practice Guidelines Jan 2020 Final . It provides an overview and key recommendations for the supervision, recommended learning time in practice and numbers of clinical assessments and maintaining a portfoloio for trainee ACPs and PAs. It includes a copy of a template Learning Agreement for you to use to agree your learning plan with your supervisor. 

All comments can be sent in to our generic mailbox (sheffieldccg.syb.facultyadmin@nhs.net )

For all general enquiries, please email: sheffieldccg.syb.facultyadmin@nhs.net 
You can also contact us on twitter via: @sybacpfaculty

Simon Clark – Chair/Medical Director

Alex Kocheta – Deputy Chair  

Fran Mead – Business Manager 

Louise Berwick - Programme Manager and ACP lead
SY&B Primary Care Workforce & Training Hub

Jo Mirza - Programme Administrator
SY&B Primary Care Workforce & Training Hub

Notice to current Faculty trainees regarding training as a result of COVID-19

During the Covid-19 pandemic patient care and supporting clinical teams will be the main focus for you.

We appreciate that this may mean that time to study will be affected. Please try not to be concerned about the impact that this may have on your training, South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw Faculty, our hospitals and the Primary Care Workforce and Training Hub are working together to help support you in collaboration with local Higher Education Institutes (HEI).

If you are having any difficulty with your on going training for any reasons, temporary suspension of training may be an option. Please talk to your University or your supervisor or email Fran Mead, Faculty Business Manager (f.mead@nhs.net).  It may help to structure your conversations by completing this form.

Please keep in touch with Fran and your HEI about any concerns and they will also be maintaining regular contact with you. If you decide to temporarily withdraw from the programme you will still need to complete all the requirements of the training programme when the crisis is passed and this may result in some trainees having to extend their programme of study

We will accept a returned form via email (to Fran) as proof of signature, accompanied by an explanatory email of your intentions. 

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