NHS England’s National Cancer Transformation Board have today published a range of specific steps to increase prevention, speed up diagnosis, improve the experience of patients and help people living with and beyond cancer to live well.

‘Achieving World Class Cancer Outcomes: Taking the strategy forward’ outlines six key priority areas which include patient experience and living with and beyond cancer.

Richard Metcalfe, Programme Lead, The Macmillan Living With And Beyond Cancer Programme, said:

“Today’s report underlines the importance of Macmillan and the NHS working together to meet the ambition that everyone should receive ‘world-class’ cancer care.

“ We are pleased to see a commitment to ensuring people benefit from personalised care after treatment set out as a priority.

“ We know that a number of CCG’s in our area are already implementing risk stratified pathways; ensuring care and support is designed around the person affected by cancer and those close to them.

“We need to ensure that this level of care is provided to everyone diagnosed with breast, prostate or bowel cancer across the region by 2020.”

Ian Margerison, Macmillan Involvement Coordinator said:

“It is encouraging to see today’s report refer to people affected by cancer as ‘equal partners’ and that they will be the ‘driving force in taking the strategy forward’.

“The Macmillan Living With And Beyond Cancer Programme aims to involve people affected by cancer as partners in the design and delivery of any changes we make locally.

“We are currently developing Patient Engagement Principles with people affected by cancer to ensure involvement is at the heart of everything we do.”

Penny Brooks, Clinical Engagement Lead said:

"Over the last few months we have been overwhelmed by how committed and engaged local people are in helping us think about how we achieve these ambitions."

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