The South Yorkshire Social Care Placement Expansion programme supports the 'Growing for the Future Workforce' workstream by facilitating the growth of placements by 20% in line with the HEE LEAP/CPEP ambitions.

The programme aims to improve educational opportunities contributing to reducing inequalities within the South Yorkshire area, by:

  • establishing professional working relationships and base within local authorities responsible for current placement activity and their counterparts within health setting at Place
  • map the correlated learning for social care-based placements across the South Yorkshire Integrated Care System 
  • sustainably increase both the capacity and diversity of learning environments across the social care sector with the Integrated care System, that can host pre-registration practice-based and work-based learning placements 
  • sustainably expand the capacity of hosting a greater volume of learners (placements) within existing and established learning environments 
  • improve the quality of learner experience, teaching delivery and opportunities for interprofessional education during practice-based and work based learning placements 

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