Treating Tobacco Dependency for staff

Smoking is the single largest cause of preventable illness and death.

Stopping smoking is the best thing that you can do to improve your health.

It is never too late to stop.

196,000 adults smoke in South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw. More than half of whom will die from smoking related illness. Smokers, on average, die 10 years earlier than non-smokers.

Most people find quitting smoking on their own is hard. It’s hard because smoking is an addiction to the nicotine in tobacco – an addiction that often starts in childhood.

We now recognise that smoking is a chronic, relapsing medical condition - not a lifestyle choice. It should be treated like any other illness and there are very effective treatments.

Thousands of people just like you successfully quit smoking each month with the help of medication and specialist support.

What support is out there for me?

Stopping smoking is the single best thing you can do for your health and your wallet – smoking 20 cigarettes / day will cost you over £3000 / year.

Stopping smoking is difficult, but with the right medication plus support, you can do it. You are 3 times more likely to successfully quit with the right treatment.

You can now get the help you need to stop smoking at work. The South Yorkshire QUIT programme provides a free Stop Smoking Service for all their employees at NHS Trusts.

You will get:

  • Free Nicotine Replacement Therapy or other stop smoking medications for 12 weeks
  • Weekly behavioural support from your Trust’s specialist Tobacco Treatment Team – you can speak to your advisor during your working hours or arrange a time when you are not at work
  • Advice on using vapes if that is your preferred option to help you quit
  • Some of our NHS Trusts are now offering Swap to Stop so you may be able to get a vape to support your quit attempt.

You can find out more about the South Yorkshire QUIT Programme here.

Contact Details

Who to contact to get the support you need to start your journey to a healthier future:

The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust: 07761330496 (08:00-16:00 7 days a week) |

Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust: extension 2423 |

Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: 01302 648007 |

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: 0114 305 2480 |

Sheffield Heath & Social Care:

Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust:

Sheffield Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust: