News and media releases
We regularly publish news updates from within the Integrated Care System, but also from across our partner organisations. See below for the most recent news articles.
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Latest news
NHS South Yorkshire established
1 July 2022
6 July 2016
Richard Metcalfe talks about how the The Macmillan Living With And Beyond Cancer Programme is consulting "the real experts" - people affected by cancer - on their Principles for Patient Engagement
NHS England sets out ‘world-class’ cancer care plans
12 May 2016
The National Cancer Transformation Board have today published a range of specific steps to improve care for people living with and beyond cancer
More people diagnosed with the most common cancers last year
20 April 2016
There has been a significant rise in the most common types of cancer in the past year.
Living With And Beyond Cancer Programme Lead appointed
13 January 2016
Richard Metcalfe has been appointed as Programme Lead to the Living With And Beyond Cancer workstream