We would like our stroke survivors and carers to have the best experience they can of our services. We are working closely with our Stroke Survivor and Carer Panel to make sure that we focus on what matters most to patients, their families and carers. Receiving the right information at the right time is crucial and we are working to develop regional information resources.

In July 2021, we were able to welcome members of our SY ISDN Stroke Survivor and Carer Panel. We were overwhelmed by the support that we received and are so fortunate to have 12 panel members from across the region. Our members represent a diverse mix of stroke survivors and carers, all with lived experience of stroke. Members come from each place across our region and are already making a real difference. 

During the panel's first meeting, members developed their mission statement, which is now the centre of everything they do:

"We want a voice and we want to be heardWe want to be able to communicate our experience, both good and bad. So that everyone at all levels understand what problems we hit and how services might be improved. We want equal care and support for everyone across South Yorkshire.”

How the Panel has helped us so far

  • Reviewed our ISDN work programme and priorities 
  • Co-designed our Thrombolysis patient and carer leaflet, which can be viewed here.
  • Reviewed and approved two SY ISDN funding proposals 
  • Volunteered to take part in a national project on Patient Reported Experience Measures (PREMs)

If you would be interested in being part of this panel, please make contact with the SY ISDN team on sth.sybisdn@nhs.net.

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Co-designed engagement videos

A main aim of developing the Stroke Survivor and Carer Panel, was to ensure that those with lived experience of stroke can actively engage in the improvement of stroke services across South Yorkshire.

Panel members have been involved in developing a series of videos to share their experience of stroke and to promote the panel’s mission statement.

Each video tells a different story of how lives have been changed after they or a loved one experienced stroke, and why they are members of the panel.

Watch the videos below.