Since the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System (ICS) formally launched in October 2018, we have been producing videos about the work we've done to change lives whilst reducing harm and ill-health across the region.
Animations, event filmings and interviews with staff across the system help to explain just some of these changes that we have supported alongside our regional partner organisations.
Browse our selection of videos using the below filters - or via our YouTube channel.
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Help your NHS help you
Moving out of Phase One in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, health and care services across South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw are asking the public to keep-up their amazing support for the NHS by:
Remembering to social distance – keeping two metres apart
Keeping hands extra clean
Using services sensibly – the NHS is here if you need it - so please choose the most appropriate service to best suit your needs
If you are using services, please continue to follow rules on social distancing and visiting
Working together, our health and care services will continue to plan and re-start more services to support public need. Some services are now starting to resume and we’re starting to get in touch with patients to re-book appointments and treatments. We’re working to do this quickly and as safely as possible. Together, we can all play our part in protecting the NHS.