South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw’s Stroke Hosted Network is delighted to announce its leadership team.
The Network, which is hosted by Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, will build upon region-wide work to deliver improved and transformed care for patients across the whole stroke pathway. The Network’s work programme will particularly focus upon workforce development, innovation, and the reduction of unwarranted variation. In order to achieve this, a strong, multidisciplinary leadership team has been appointed:
Dr Jessica Redgrave, a consultant neurologist at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, will spend one day per week as Clinical Lead. She brings a background in stroke research as well as clinical practice to the role.
Gemma Hayden will also join as a Clinical Lead for one day per week. Gemma is an Allied Health Professional and Team Leader for the Rotherham Stroke Rehabilitation team. She has a wealth of experience working in stroke rehabilitation and has a particular interest in post-acute care following stroke.
Jaimie Shepherd will join, full time, as the Hosted Network Manager, and will be responsible, along with the Clinical Leads, for developing, implementing and driving the Network’s work programme in collaboration with all of our local Trusts. Jaimie has extensive clinical, operational and leadership experience as a senior Therapist and has worked in a variety of roles across the stroke pathway. She played a significant role in the project to reconfigure hyper-acute stroke services across the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw region.
All three of the leads will be in post by mid-January 2020. Over the next few weeks, the team will work to get the infrastructure in place to give the Network a flying start in the New Year. The team will soon be networking with colleagues right across our region – success will come from partnership working with all of our local organisations and professions.
Kirsten Major, Chief Executive of Host Trust, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust said, “I’m delighted that the Network will have such a strong team with a wealth of relevant skills and experience. Working across all the network partners and engaging all the time with staff and service users, I am confident that collectively we will deliver further significant and lasting benefits to the care of our stroke patients.”