People of Barnsley, Bassetlaw, Doncaster, Rotherham, and Sheffield - have you had COVID-19?
Would you like to help shape the services that will support patients in post-covid rehabilitation?
If so we’d like to hear from you.
Health and care professionals are getting together to plan the new rehabilitation services that are needed for the people who’ve had COVID-19 and as a result require ongoing health and care support.
We want to make sure that the patient experience and your thoughts about what is needed from those services is part of the conversation.
We hope to hear from a number of patients, ideally who will take part in a Zoom type virtual meeting which will take place in November.
However if you would like to give your views and are unable to participate in this way please do still get in touch as we may be able to arrange telephone interviews.
As part of the work you’ll contribute to conversations about:
- What post-COVID-19 rehabilitation provision is currently available in South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw and where there are gaps
- What the needs are of patients who need post-COVID-19 rehabilitation (holistic needs that include medical – respiratory and others, such as, mental health, cognitive and psychological needs)
- Plans for COVID-19 rehabilitation ‘hubs’
- Making sure the service contributes to reducing/ eliminating inequalities
If you would like to get involved please email helloworkingtogether@nhs.net with your name/ email address/ ability to join a zoom style meeting or not/ a few details about when you had COVID-19 and your post-COVID condition.