A South Yorkshire drug and alcohol treatment expert is playing a key national role in helping develop more effective ways of caring for people battling addiction.
Stuart Green sits on two Government advisory groups set up following publication of Dame Carol Black’s independent review of drugs earlier this year. He represents Lived Experience Recovery Organisations (LEROs), which operate in local communities providing vital support to those recovering from an addiction.
Stuart, who manages Doncaster-based Aspire Drug & Alcohol Services, a partnership between Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust (RDaSH) and registered charity The Alcohol & Drug Service (ADS), said: “Dame Black’s review examined what could be done to tackle the harm that drugs cause, leading to the government’s recent announcement of £780 million for a new strategy to rebuild the country’s drugs treatment system, which I welcome as the most significant increase in funding for a decade.
“There is a real commitment to change the way people suffering with drug and alcohol addictions are treated and then given the on-going support they need to recover and contribute to society. At Aspire we’re ready to play our part to support people’s wellbeing.
We’re already involved in early work arising from Part 1 of the review, including a project to prevent drug related deaths.
“Nationally, £533 million has been committed over the next three years to community treatment and recovery, with an additional £115 million to support people with housing and employment needs. Around £120m will also support people leaving prison and those serving community sentences. At a time of external financial challenges this level of investment is to be hugely welcomed, and the place-based focusing of resource on local areas with particularly high levels of challenge is just right for Doncaster.”
Stuart, who himself has been in long term recovery for over 21 years, is a regular speaker at high-level drug and alcohol treatment and recovery conferences, including a recent European wide online event on harm reduction and a national NHS showcase on best practice care. Presenting at the Commission on Narcotic Drugs - an international conference in Vienna - is also on the cards, having been postponed by Covid.
“We’re heading in the right direction but there’s still a lot to be done to challenge the stigma of drug and alcohol treatment that prevents many people coming forward for much needed help. If anyone is suffering from drug addiction in Doncaster and needs support, please contact us on 01302 730956”, added Stuart.