Doncaster people experiencing an alcohol or drug related health and wellbeing problem are being supported to turn their lives around through a training programme which provides them with the skills to gain volunteering roles with the ultimate aim of finding future employment.
The team at Aspire Drug and Alcohol Service based on Thorne Road in Doncaster has partnered up with the Workers Education Association (WEA) to deliver a 10-week Skills for Volunteering programme which gives people who use Aspire’s services the vital skills and confidence to go into volunteering.
The course was delivered by Terez Nagy, Employment Training Coach at Aspire and Liz Woolston from the WEA.
Terez said: “I am very proud of all our service users. It takes a lot of commitment and dedication to complete this course which will hold them in good for the future.
“Volunteering is often the first step to gaining employment, providing excellent experience opportunities and a way to meet people. Completing this course has given our service users a great start.”
To celebrate successfully passing the course each of the 10 students received a certificate. Three of the students who completed the course were Natalie Jessop, Mitra Rai and Christopher Davies. Natalie and Mitra are currently volunteering with Flourish Enterprises, with Mitra hoping to volunteer with Age UK. Christopher is a volunteer with a number of organisations including the Canal and River Trust and a local food bank.
Aspire Drug and Alcohol Service, which is run by Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust (RDaSH) in partnership with registered charity the Alcohol and Drug Service (ADS).
If you or someone you know is experiencing drug or alcohol issues and want to talk to someone in confidence please visit www.aspire.community, or ring 01302 730956.
Photo shows: (left to right): Students Natalie Jessop; Mitra Rai; Christopher Davies with Liz Woolston, WEA and Terez Nagy, Aspire’s Employment Training Coach.