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A professional boxer from Sheffield is encouraging those invited to take up the offer of the covid vaccination.

Callum Beardow, AKA The Vanilla Gorilla, is a light heavyweight boxer from Gleadless. He is the former amateur English champion, ranked 2nd in the country and unbeaten as a professional.

Callum, who has suffered with asthma since childhood, had his first covid-19 vaccination at Manor Park Medical Centre last week.

After being tested positive for covid twice in the past year, he was looking forward to getting the vaccination. Callum said: “I have unfortunately had covid-19 twice now which is worrying especially with having asthma. I accepted the offer for a vaccination straight away and I’d encourage anyone else who’s offered to do the same. It just puts my mind at rest that I’ll be more protected from the virus.

“It was a really easy process, it doesn’t hurt and it didn’t take long. The vaccine is safe and has gone through testing and trials. Getting people vaccinated is the best way to protect people from covid-19 and means that we can start to get back to normal life again soon.”

People aged 16 – 65 who are clinically vulnerable have started to receive their first covid vaccinations in Sheffield this week. Covid-19 can affect anyone but if you have certain long-term health conditions, catching covid can be very serious and in some cases fatal. 

Alun Windle, Chief Nurse and Covid Vaccination Lead at NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning group said: “As well as vaccinating people who are clinically vulnerable we’ve also now started vaccinating 65-69 year olds.

“This is the biggest vaccination programme the NHS has ever undertaken and these are the largest groups to vaccinate so far and will take time to contact everyone. In the meantime, please don’t call your GP to enquire about a vaccine, the NHS will contact you when you’re eligible and we have a supply of vaccines.”

Although the NHS have now started vaccinating new cohorts of patients, if you are over 70, clinically extremely vulnerable or a frontline health and social care worker and yet to have the vaccine for whatever reason, it’s not too late to come forward. You can now book a vaccination appointment online at or call the free number on 119.

Alun added: “We do not yet know whether the vaccine will stop you from catching and passing on the virus but two doses will reduce your chance of becoming seriously ill from covid-19. So it’s important to remember to continue to follow social distancing guidance, wash your hands frequently and wear a mask when in public, even if you’ve had both vaccinations.”

Callum is looking forward to getting back to boxing for an audience once the virus is under control and social distancing measures are lifted.