
Doncaster residents are being asked ‘Is it time to Rethink Your Drink?

And if the answer is yes, then there’s a new website and three social media sites to support them to help reduce or stop their drinking habit.

The Rethink your Drink Doncaster campaign is being run by Doncaster’s Alcohol Alliance – made up of a range of partners across Doncaster and South Yorkshire.

These partners include Doncaster Public Health; Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust; Aspire Drug and Alcohol Service; South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue; NHS Doncaster Clinical Commissioning Group; Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; South Yorkshire Police; Doncaster Pharmacy Committee and other voluntary partners.

Together they are working to raise awareness of the dangers of drinking too much alcohol and to encourage people to seek advice and support, if required, to help them reduce their intake or give it up all together.

A brand new website  has been launched to support the campaign, which includes an online self-assessment tool for people to complete anonymously to find out if their drinking is a problem. There’s also information on what kind of support is available along with useful links to facts about alcohol.

Pages have also been launched on Twitter and Facebook – simply search RYD_Doncaster and on Instagram at RYD Doncaster.

Dr Rupert Suckling, Director of Public Health in Doncaster, said: “Many people don’t know the recommended drinking levels and the effects it can have on their health.

“What many of them don’t realise is drinking too much alcohol contributes to weight gain, affects fertility and can even cause cancer.

“Doncaster is no different to any other town in seeing alcohol-related health problems on the increase.”

The new website provides resources which can be downloaded complete with contact details of where help and support is available.

Dr Suckling added: “The purpose of our campaign is to encourage people to help themselves to cut their drinking habit and if they need help to signpost them to the professionals who can support them.

“This in turn should help to cut admissions to accident and emergency of residents involved in alcohol related incidents and reduce the long term effects of alcohol related illnesses in later life helping to make Doncaster people healthier.”

Anyone wanting to talk about alcohol issues can also ring Aspire Drug and Alcohol Services on 01302 730956.

Caption: Dr Rupert Suckling is pictured with the new website.