Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals Charity has this week (31 October) launched an appeal to improve the maternity experience at Doncaster Royal Infirmary and Bassetlaw Hospital.
Seeking the support of its local residents ‘The Doncaster and Bassetlaw Birth Appeal’ hopes to raise £100,000 to provide additional equipment and enhance the environments of maternity units in both towns to give women, babies and their families the very best possible care.
Lois Mellor, Head of Midwifery at Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals (DBTH), said: “With just under 5,000 babies born in our hospitals each year, we want to improve the birth environments we offer to local women.
“Studies show that when a woman feels calm and in control of how she gives birth, both medical interventions and adverse outcomes are reduced. By raising these funds we will be able to improve our maternity environments so family members can stay and support mums before, during and after labour, to help them remain calm and in control.
“Unfortunately, we don’t currently have the furniture to allow partners or family members to rest during a longer labour or to stay with a new mum who needs extra support. This can add unnecessary worries to a significant, exciting life experience.”
Funds from the appeal will help the Trust to provide items such as:
· Reclining chairs for partners/family members to stay with women who are in labour on labour wards
· Chair beds for partners/family members to stay with women post birth who need extra support after a caesarean or induction
· Updates to furniture, décor and blinds to help give both units a homely, calm and relaxing environment
· Updates to décor and furniture in the family room, to support families during difficult times.
Lois continues: “I am extremely proud of our midwifery staff and we receive lots of positive feedback about the care and support received by women and their families who have had a baby at the Trust. However, the feedback often highlights that the facilities could be improved to be in line with the excellent care we provide.
“Following on from our recent successful appeal for knitted hats for neonatal babies born on the unit I’m sure that our local residents will once again rally around to support us to make these positive changes”.