Bassetlaw Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) is delighted to announce that it has been shortlisted for the ‘Best Not for Profit Working in Partnership with the NHS’ at the HSJ Partnership Awards 2020, recognising their outstanding dedication to improving health and wellbeing.
The ICP is chaired by the Director of Bassetlaw Community and Voluntary Services (BCVS) and is made up of local partners across the voluntary sector, NHS, and local authorities, and it has been selected based on their diligence, ambition and the positive impact on both practitioners and local people within the health and wellbeing sector in Bassetlaw.
Together the partnership has achieved change for local people, including public transport improvements, more young people involved in shaping health services, work with the private sector to strengthen employment support for people with long term conditions, a workforce strategy, joint work on housing and getting more people engaged in physical activity.
Catherine Burn, Director of BCVS and Chair of the Integrated Care Partnership comments, “We are delighted to have been shortlisted for ‘Best Not for Profit Working in Partnership with the NHS’, recognising the collaborative efforts and dedication of our partners with the voluntary sector over the last 12 months to successfully implement improvements in health and wellbeing services. We are committed to delivering improved outcomes for local people, and to be chosen among the other incredible nominees is a wonderful achievement. This nomination has been a tremendous boost to both to our team and our partners in the wider voluntary sector, NHS and local government in Bassetlaw.”
The winners will be selected following a rigorous, “live panel” judging stage ahead of the HSJ Partnership Awards 2020 awards ceremony in February.
For more information search ‘Better in Bassetlaw’ on Google or head to www.betterinbassetlaw.co.uk