It was earlier this year that we first starting asking ‘what is good cancer care and support?’
From day one of the Macmillan Living With And Beyond Cancer Programme we made a commitment to put the views of people affected by cancer at the centre of our aim to improve regional cancer care and support.
We’re now offering people affected by cancer the opportunity to use their knowledge and experience to help inform our work.
We’re looking to recruit a panel of up to twelve people affected by cancer from across South and Mid Yorkshire, Bassetlaw and North Derbyshire to play a more formal role in the programme.
These people will form our Programme Advisory Board and act as our reality check by asking ‘are you considering the needs of people affected by cancer?’
When we refer to people affected by cancer, this also includes the unique perspective of carers because of the impact of cancer on the whole family and wider social networks.
The Programme Advisory Board will send representatives to the Programme Executive Board. This is the place where decisions are made and money is committed. It is vital that people affected by cancer are represented to help us get this right and make every penny count.
Cancer does not discriminate; we’ve met people from all walks of life. Many people have had to leave high level jobs or take early retirement because of the impact of cancer and treatment. Applicants will need to be comfortable during group discussion in a formal setting and be able to put across any views in a calm, confident and considered manner.
For more information on role, and our offer to you, read the full Expression of Interest. The deadline for responses is 24 February 2017.
You can also find out more about The Macmillan Living With And Beyond Cancer Programme, as well as getting in touch with the programme team.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Richard Metcalfe
Macmillan Programme Lead, The Macmillan Living With And Beyond Cancer Programme