This week (6-15th March) marks both Healthcare Science Week and British Science Week across the UK, with Sheffield Teaching Hopsitals doing a range of activities to raise awareness.
There are nearly 1000 Healthcare Science staff in Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, from apprentice to consultant level working both with patients behind the scenes in an amazing 48 specialist areas.
National Healthcare Science Week, run by the office of the Chief Scientific Officer, is an annual celebration and opportunity to raise awareness of the many diverse and interesting careers in healthcare science and inspire the scientific workforce of the future.
It is a great opportunity to bring together the diverse professions and showcase the vital role they play in patient care, diagnosis and treatment to the public. This toolkit aims to help you plan and develop effective celebratory events across your trust, region and local community to make the most of Healthcare Science Week.
Friday 13th March
Trust Healthcare Science Open Day, Northern General Hospital: Drop in to find out more about HCS careers for yourself or family & friends - or just come and find out what we do! Northern General Medical Education centre 10-12am
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Embryology staff will be taking part in the University of Sheffield’s ‘Discovery Night’ Firth Hall, Western Bank 4-8pm free family event open to all
Saturday 14th March
Trust Healthcare Science Open Day, Royal Hallamshire Hospital: Drop in to find out more about Healthcare Science careers at all levels from apprentice to consultant. R Floor Royal Hallamshire Hospital, 10am -3pm.
Healthcare Science Week on social media:
Follow and join in the discussions on twitter with #HCSweek20 and follow #WeHCScientists for inspiration and updates on events and news
2020 Chief Scientific Officer's Annual Conference 17-18 March
Zoë Clarke, Assistive Technology Clinical Specialist and Lead Healthcare Scientist at Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, will be doing a talk at this Conference, having had her poster entry accepted.