People who are living with mental or physical ill health and would like help to get into or stay in work are being encouraged to ask their GP about an innovative trial taking place across South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw.
The randomised control trial, directs patients referred to Working Win to existing services designed to get people back into work or to a new service. This approach means that outcomes from both ways of working can be compared and the benefits of the new approach assessed.
Andy Hilton is a GP who works in Sheffield and the Chief Executive of Primary Care Sheffield, he said:
“There is really good evidence for the benefits of work in people’s lives in terms of the structure, social contact and sense of worth. We know that the longer people are off work with a chronic illness, whether it be physical or mental then it can actually increase mental health problems. Getting back into work can really help the recovery process from a chronic illness. Having a service like Working Win that helps get people back into the working environment after a period of sickness can be a really good way of broaching the subject with patients and I'd actively encourage GPs to sign up to this. I think we all know the benefits of work in people’s lives.”
The trial is supported by NHS England, the Department of Health and Social Care, and the Department for Work and Pensions.
Medical Director for the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System, Des Breen, said:
“We know that one of the determinates for good mental and physical health is stable employment, the integrated care approach looks at all things which can contribute to a person becoming ill. The NHS Long Term plan published earlier this month sets out a commitment to integrated care where, housing, education, employment and medical care are all looked at as a whole in order to tackle the underlying causes of ill health.”
To find out more about the Working Win health led employment trial click here https://bit.ly/2SUVd38