This strategy for the South Yorkshire Integrated Care System (ICS) is pivotal in the journey to build an intelligence-led system, that strives to use data to improve the health, wellbeing, outcomes and experience of our citizens. The initiatives within this strategy, to be delivered over the next 2 years, will support the ICS to:

• Reduce health inequalities;

• Better understand populations at varying levels, including neighbourhood, place and system;

• Make decisions for operational delivery of services in real-time;

• Develop and evaluate care pathways;

• More effectively monitor progress against outcomes.

This is at a time when financial constraints mean we need to do more with less, and this strategy aims to support South Yorkshire to achieve that.

We will develop a collaborative approach to insight generation across the ICS. We will do this by co-ordinating an ICS-wide Data and Insight Alliance to make better use of our skills, knowledge and capacity across the community. We will develop a data platform to allow co-creation of insights, which will be derived from both the health and care journeys of our population, and the voice of our population. We will ensure those insights are easily understandable, and accessible on demand. We will also go further and use advanced analytical techniques to generate improved insight for decision making.

This enabling strategy follows the publication of the South Yorkshire Integrated Care Partnership Strategy and the Joint Forward Plan. This strategy will support our ICS to leverage data and insight to deliver the bold ambitions, as well as deliver the requirements set out in national guidance for data and insight.

Click here to read our full Data and Insights Strategy 2024/2026

Click here to read our one page Data and Insights Strategy 2024/2026.

Our five Initiatives

Please click on the following links to view our five initiatives:

Every time you interact with a health or social care service, a digital record is made of your attendance. Everyone’s data are securely combined together to understand how our population use health and social care services in South Yorkshire.

By looking at data closely, we can make services better suited to what people need in South Yorkshire and reducing inequality. This might mean less time waiting for appointments, getting help earlier to avoid going to the hospital, or creating new services for groups of people who need them

South Yorkshire wants to be a leader in using different kinds of data to make smart decisions. This plan talks about working together with others, like researchers, on innovative solutions to make sure everyone gets the best care and support possible.

Partners across the Integrated Care System aim to work better together to share skills and expertise, including learning from best practice in order to improve the way we use your data to inform decision making.

The main aim is to make health and care services better for people in South Yorkshire, making sure everyone gets the best care possible, by using advanced analytical techniques such as machine learning to get the most out of the data we have.