We know that working collaboratively across health, social care and the voluntary sector can achieve positive change, better outcomes and better experiences for our local citizens.

If you have a passion for improving the health and wellbeing of our local population, then why not join one of our communities of practice?

A community of practice (CoP) connects people who share a common concern, a common set of challenges or a passion about a specific topic. These groups come together to share best practice, and deepen their knowledge and expertise. A CoP shares a specific interest which helps bind them through a shared commitment to the community as a whole. CoPs help create a “doing and learning” environment to explore different ways of working, identify solutions to challenges, share best practice and ideas, share resources related to their knowledge to support more efficient and effective practices.

The academy will help you set up and facilitate your community of practice, but the agenda will driven by the members of the CoP. Because the topic and people involved in each CoP will be different, we know that how each group runs will be different to best meet their needs. However, we will follow the principles and guidance set out in the Community Development Handbook in helping establish and guide the work of each CoP.

We are supporting several CoPs to get set up to start their programmes for 2023. If you are interested in joining one of these CoPs, or if you have an idea and a group of enthusiastic people who would like to set up a CoP covering another topic, then please get in contact using this form.

List of Community of practices' starting in 2023:

We have already had expressions of interest to form communities of practice for the following: 

  • Addressing health inequalities in primary care
  • Inclusion health 
  • Data And Intelligence for South Yorkshire (DAISY)  
  • Physical health for people with serious mental illness

Visit our CoP page to complete the form if you are interested in joining one of the communities. We won’t be stopping there. If you have an idea for a Community of Practice then we would love to hear from you.