Domain 2: Workforce health and well-being

We have rated this domain overall as developing. 

Outcome 2A: When at work, staff are provided with support to manage obesity, diabetes, asthma, COPD and mental health conditions

Evidence: Developing

  • Flexible Working Policy – Supports work/life balance developed with staff and trade union representatives. 88% of staff in the 2023 staff survey stated they were satisfied / very satisfied with the opportunities for flexible working patterns.
  • Workplace Wellbeing Policy- Signposts health and wellbeing support and resources and promotes healthy lifestyle choices
  • Management of Stress Policy- Aims to support staff experiencing stress in and/or out of work and outlines steps and actions that can be taken to try to minimise stress levels and support staff.
  • Sickness Absence Policy and Procedure- Aims to support staff in work when short-term or long-term absences occur and staff with ongoing underlying health conditions including considering reasonable adjustments.
  • 77.9% of staff agreed or strongly agreed that the organisation takes positive action on health and well-being.
  • People Hub via staff intranet. Health and Wellbeing section- outlines and signposts available support
  • Workforce wellbeing hub via People Hub –outlines and signposts available support across South Yorkshire and beyond (where applicable)
  • Regular health and wellbeing focus in ICB-wide and place staff briefings. Regular wellbeing events – included session on World diabetes day.
  • Mental Health First Aiders (MHFAs)- Training and refresher courses are being rolled out. The MHFAs are available for all staff to access across the organisation and offer a responsive service for people that need immediate mental health support. Service is promoted and highlighted via regular staff communications, events and all contact information can be accessed via staff intranet.

Outcome 2B: When at work, staff are free from abuse, harassment, bullying and physical violence from any source

Evidence: Achieving

  • Staff Survey & Staff Survey Action Plan. The first South Yorkshire ICB Staff Survey (2022) indicates that on average over 99% of the staff in the organisation who undertook the survey said they had never experienced in the last 12 months: physical violence from patients/service users/their family members/members of the public/colleagues/managers. The survey also indicates that on average over 91% of the staff in the organisation who undertook the survey said they had never experienced in the last 12 months: harassment, bullying or abuse at work from patients/service users/their family members/members of the public/colleagues/managers. These averages include statistics from staff from a Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority background too.
  • Dignity at Work: Acceptable Standards of Behaviour Policy- Sets out the values and behaviours of the organisation with additional expectations of staff. Also outlines process for handling allegations.
  • Zero Tolerance Policy- Enables employees to appropriately manage aggressive or violent situations should they arise, intends to reduce the risk of incidents occurring and intends to support staff in the aftermath of any incidents.
  • Domestic Violence and Abuse Policy- Aims to support and signpost staff experiencing any kind of domestic violence or abuse.
  • Bullying and Harassment Prevention mandatory training for all staff (delivered in-house by HR team). As at 31 January 2023, 87.58% staff are compliant. Sessions run monthly and staff are expected to complete the training and be 100% compliant with all statutory and mandatory training. Pay Progression criteria also states staff need to be 100% compliant to move up a pay step.

Outcome 2C: Staff have access to independent support and advice when suffering from stress, abuse, bullying harassment and physical violence from any source

Evidence: Developing

  • Occupational Health (Health Management)- Staff can be referred to the Occupational Health service for support and/or advice as needed
  • Freedom to Speak Up: Raising Concerns (Whistleblowing) Policy- Outlines the Freedom to Speak Up agenda and the role of the Guardians with how they can support staff
  • Staff forums set up this year - offers peer support, staff leadership
  • Mental Health First Aiders (MHFAs)- The MHFAs are available for all staff to access across the organisation and offer a responsive service for people that need immediate mental health support. Service is promoted and highlighted via regular staff communications, events and all contact information can be accessed via staff intranet.
  • Employee Assistance Programme and Vivup Mental Health Support service- Both services are available 24/7 for telephone support with the latter offering fast-track to therapies when appropriate. Details promoted often and listed on staff intranet.
  • People Hub via staff intranet. Health and Wellbeing section- outlines and signposts available support
  • Workforce wellbeing hub via People Hub –outlines and signposts available support across South Yorkshire and beyond (where applicable)

Outcome 2D: Staff recommend the organisation as a place to work and receive treatment 

Evidence: Developing

  • Staff Survey & Staff Survey Action Plan. The first SYICB Staff Survey indicates that 69% of staff on average said that they would recommend their organisation as a place to work. Broken down further, 83.3% of staff from a Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority background that undertook the survey said they would recommend their organisation as a place to work. *As we are an ICB rather than a Trust for example, we did not gather data regarding staff recommending others to receive treatment at our organisation as it isn’t applicable.
  • Staff Turnover rates since the SYICB was formed (and were under one database in the ESR system on 01 September 2022) indicate that the labour turnover rate headcount as at 31 January 2023 was 4.58%.
  • Exit Interview process- Staff are asked to complete an Exit Interview when leaving the organisation (where appropriate). The Exit Interview asks if staff would recommend the organisation as a place to work to others.


There are four possible ratings:

  • Excellent activity
  • Achieving activity
  • Developing activity
  • Undeveloped activity

These are applied to each outcome and then reviewed for the domain overall.